Rain Basera Activites

Rain Basera Activites


Lack of sufficient night shelter (Rain Baseras) makes of the lives of homeless people hell. Lack of resources and an absence of seriousness on the issue make the situation worse.

To provide shelter to the poor and needy, specifically homeless and beggars if of utmost importance. In India many people are living below poverty line and many of them do not have their own house.

These people can be seen on the footpaths, before Temples, mosques etc. During the winter season it is not possible for these people to live on footpaths all night.

Rain Basera is an initiative by Benison Helping to provide shelter to homeless peoples. Our Rain Baseras include essential items like Bed, Blanket, water etc. for those who are living in these. We are constantly providing rain baseras for all the homeless peoples i.e. the night shelter service.